Handbook of the American Army 1914

This article was published May 17, 2012.

us army 1914

Author: not specified.

Publisher: www.batterypress.com.

Pages/Size: 229+ pages, 6in * 9in

ISBN: 0-89839-332-9.

Price/Avail: was available Oct2004, costed $ 39.95.


I did order this book partly because I am interested in how this kind of book was written since I am also interested in military, but I did also order it in hope it did contain at least a little bit of two-foot trains by the Americans during WW1, but found nothing, nada, zip....

It contains every aspect of fighting a war in 1914. Very thorough with tactics, weapons and training. Also uniforms etc, both photos and sketches, but mostly this is a textbook, around 90% text.

Recommendation: For train interested - no, for military interested - maybe.